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Delegate Preparation

CNYMUN requires delegates to submit a position paper to their respective chairs by email before the first committee session. Find the position paper writing guide in the delegate preparation guide. 

Last year's delegate preparation guide is available below. A current version of the prep guide will be available soon.

A slideshow regarding the basics of crisis committees is also linked below. Find the crisis position paper writing guide in the  slideshow. 

Here is an exemplary model position paper from CNYMUN 2018. 

Brighton High School





The Delegation of Greece is honored to be a representative in this World Health Organization assembly. Greece is concerned and apprehensive towards the current affairs of the world, especially in the health regard. Prepared and excited to work with other nations that are willing to collaborate, Greece looks forward to facing the various health crises occurring globally, in hopes to solve them. From promoting the wellbeing of those with an autistic spectrum disorder, to the current Nigerian health crisis, as well as addressing the effects of water pollution on human health, The Delegation of Greece feels that this conference will be exceedingly productive.


Autism spectrum disorder, more commonly referred to as ASD, is a large grouping of various developmental and neurological disorders. Those who have an ASD suffer from a wide range of disability levels that can hinder their social interactions, communication skills, as well as their education [1]. Symptoms for these disorders are picked up by a child’s pediatrician in the first two years of life and can include repetitive behavior, limited or overly focused interests, lack of response to verbal calls, lack of eye contact when in conversation, light and or audio sensitivity, as well as various other indicators [2].  Although facing some setbacks, many with an ASD actually have been found to have above average intelligence, with the CDC reporting that some 46% of those with ASD have remarkably high IQs [2]. In order for a person that has an ASD to perform at their best, a whopping $40,000 to $60,000 (USD) must be spent on each person annually, including the close and individual collaboration with doctors, healthcare professionals, and the individual-specific treatment needed [3]. The Delegation of Greece is disturbed by the lack of adequate ASD care available for everyone globally, and is eager to collaborate with other cooperating nations, to increase the welfare of those with an ASD.


The Delegation of Greece is pleased with its numerous ASD specific programs and institutions in place for its citizens with an ASD. For example, Greece set up a private organization, known as Asperger Hellas, designed to improve the living standards of those with autism and strives to make certain that they can pursue their lives to reach their fullest potential. Moreover, The Delegation of Greece was a signatory for the 67/82 resolution passed by the UN in March of 2013 that focuses on encouraging national governments to readily act to better the lives of those with both ASDs and other developmental disorders, in order to improve the availability of healthcare, intervention programs, specialized educational set-ups, and training programs for individuals wanting to help in the ASD welfare promotion movement [4].


Greece offers some solutions to aid in the success of getting other nations to help their own citizens with an ASD and also some strategies it encourages nations to implement. For example, the promotion of job centers in which autistic members can work side-by-side non-autistic workers is highly suggested as Greece feels that this will assist in the integration of ASD persons into society, in order to decrease down the negative views towards autistic people. Additionally, Greece strongly suggests that the global recognition of World Autism Awareness Day, on April 2nd of each year, be more increasingly adopted in both developed and developing nations alike, in order to increase public awareness of ASD and decrease the negative social stigmas associated with autism [5]



Lastly, The Delegation of Greece would like to bring attention to the harmful effects of water pollution on human health. In 2018 alone, approximately 30,980 people have already died from water pollution [6]. Whether it be pollution from untreated sewage from residential and commercial institutions, or chemicals, pesticides, and nitrates, the pollution of this indispensable material of all human life, is insalubrious. From polluted waters arise waterborne illnesses like jaundice, cholera, and dysentery, and complications arising from these diseases can be fatal if left untreated [6], as over three million people in 2017 experienced. Greece is alarmed by this crisis as it affects both developed and undeveloped nations alike.


The Delegation of Greece is conversant with water pollution as it has experience with its own nation’s aquatic pollution. Nevertheless, Greece has taken action against this matter and has been abiding to the 3199 Law implemented by the UN in Greece. Instituted in 2003, this law focuses on Greece’s methods of managing the plentiful water sources and the safety of the water deemed “potable” [7]. In addition to this, Greece is a signatory of the United Nations’ Water-Integrated Monitoring of Sanitation coalition, which aims to reduce the magnitude of lives lost due to water contamination, especially in developing nations [8]. Moreover, The Delegation of Greece recognizes and honors the United Nations Water Conference of 1977 and its sponsorship of the Mar De Plata Acta Plan, which initially laid out the various committees and methods to attempt to reduce each nation’s water pollution effectively [9]. Additionally, Greece would like to honor the immense amount of work being done by UN Water to continue this 1977 agreement, as well as the success from the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade, lasting from 1981 to 1990 [10]. The Delegation of Greece continues to endorse the Water for Life Action plan instituted in 2005 and backed by the UN, that has already helped 1.3 billion people in developing nations gain access to purification methods and potable water [10].


Greece expresses its desire for other nations to readily back the UN’s current action to combat water pollution. Furthermore, The Delegation of Greece has suggestions to reduce the grave effects of water pollution on human health. For example, the increase in awareness of water pollution is greatly recommended as doing so will inform the community, and reduce the pollution on a more direct level. In addition to this, the holding of activities and events on national Water Day, observed March 22nd of each year, will be effective. Especially in developed nations, increased awareness can be raised by targeting public schools, markets, and facilities, with such events. In mainly developing nations, The Delegation of Greece realizes that monetary funds towards such water pollution reduction can be limited. It is believed that the institution of “water bucks” be given to developing nations that are discerned to be giving effort to pollution reduction in their water sources. This money certificate would originate from the UN and be used to equip developing nations with more of these expensive, yet effective, water purification instruments. Lastly, The Delegation of Greece believes that the eco-friendly printing of waivers on store-bought goods be applied, as this will directly make people aware of the impacts of incorrectly disposing of that product, on their health, and ways in which they can contribute to the task force attempting to reduce the large-scale water pollution occurring.


In all regards, The Delegation of Greece has a strong belief that collaboration nations during the several discussions to befall, will be fruitful in adequately solving these global matters at hand, and hopes that each nation’s national sovereignty policies will be respected.




  1. Autism Spectrum Disorder. (2019, October 2). Retrieved from

  2. “Citing NIMH Information and Publications.” National Institute of Mental Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,

  3. “Data & Statistics on Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 3 Sept. 2019,

  4. “Autism Around the Globe - Greece - Autism- Asperger Hellas.” Autism,

  5. “Autism, Autistic, Autism Spectrum, Brain Development, Health, Disability, ASD, Rett Syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Asperger Syndrome.” United Nations, United Nations,

  6. “How Does Water Pollution Affect Humans?” The World Counts,

  7. "Freshwater Country Profile Greece." UN Energy Storage Association,

  8. UN-Water. “Inform Policies: UN-Water.” UN,

  9. "Report of the United Nationas Water Conference" Mar del Plata, 14-25 March 1977,

  10. “Water.” United Nations, United Nations,

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